This is certainly not the right way to go about it if you really want to earn money using your pc and internet connection sitting at home you must get rid of trying various things and rely on one thing that is best. Talking of best options on the internet I feel freelancing is the best medium to earn money through net, the inclusion of paypal has put it even above in my eyes as you get your money to your payment account right after finishing your assignments as a freelancer you do not have to wait too long to get your money transferred to your account!
Apart from freelancing, there are so many other sources available on the internet to fetch you plenty of money those programs are google adsense, Online casino’s, affiliate market, and so many others. I truly respect google adsense as it gives you the opportunity to earn money by displaying google ads to your website; all you need to have is a blog or a website. Online casinos are in great demand for the people who are good at casino activities you can win huge amount of money buy spending just a few dollars, if your luck works well you can become a millionaire in just a single day but that’s again a bluff.
There are so many other programs that can fetch you good earnings into your pocket by the end of every month. You do not have to move here to there to look for a job if you have the connection to internet and pc at home. Again the best way to earn money through net is freelancing so I would rate it at the top of my preferred list of money making ways through net.