Tuesday, October 16, 2007

what women really want!

By Lata Tokhi (Founder, DCW)

The number of women doing business is going to amaze you. It is predicted that by the year 2007, 40% of all firms will be woman-owned.

What is it that drives women into business? A lot of things, probably. But a few commonly known are financial security, additional income, sense of achievement, productive accomplishments etc.

Once into business, Women part ways with their male counterparts. Their ways, their means and even their goals take a different path. They are
hardly interested in the usual clichés of 'Hardcore Business Tactics' like Professional Ethics, Business Etiquettes, Corporate-Wars and the stuff, if
stretched beyond a line.

A Woman in business cannot derive any satisfaction from stealing away business from a fellow business owner. Much less will be her satisfaction in drawing attention to her business by cold advertising or bad-mouthing a competitor.

Why so? Because this is NOT what a women wants from her business! This is not what she believes will help her business! If you are of the opinion that steady sales will put a business woman's mind to rest, you've got it wrong. Nor can a big, one-time deal do that. Some green bucks may bring temporary happiness and comfort, but definitely not what a woman seeks in order to keep her business going great guns.

Then, what is it that a woman wants? If not money, steady sales, exposure to public - WHAT ELSE? Here's the answer to this age-old stumper - Relationships!

It's Relationships, long-lasting business and semi-personal relationships that spell the success of a woman-owned business. It is only when she develops strong business relationships and a satisfactory level of networking, that she is assured of a good footing for her business. She is assured that these relationships will help her when nothing else is working for her business.

If you are a business woman, it is possible that you have still not realized what you exactly want. But, some more time, experience and meditation upon this subject will bring you to the same conclusion - that you are looking for Relationships! Relationships with your clients, fellow business owners and even competitors will be the strength your business will be based upon.

Start building relationships this very moment. Do an 'extra little thing' for your clients, know your competitors, mix-up with fellow business women. Some places to start are

Keep in mind that WOMEN WANT RELATIONSHIPS! Network with other women, make your clients feel special, love your competitors and before you know, your business starts thriving on relationships.

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